Quando dipingo dentro di me si muove un mondo che altrimenti
rimane sommerso…
Non sapevo di avere dentro di me tanti colori…e questo crea nel
mio profondo un turbinio…una tempesta dolce e un luccichio piacevole…
Questo è un quadro che avevo impostato già molti mesi fa…e
avevo interrotto…lo faccio spesso…perché dipingere tira fuori di me delle
emozioni e devo lasciare il quadro per cercare di guardarlo con distacco…ed è
un po’ come se dovessi maturare qualcosa prima di poterlo terminare altrimenti
non verrebbe abbastanza bene…e le tele molto grandi, che mi piacciono molto…
per una inesperta come me sono faticose da realizzare…
A volte, mentre sono concentrata su un altro quadro…faccio
delle piccole modifiche a un altro lasciato…oppure per non sprecare i colori lo
porto un po’ avanti….(e con i colori acrilici bisogna correre perché seccano
in un batter di ciglia)….la stessa cosa faccio con i quadri terminati che guardandoli spesso mi accorgo che hanno bisogno di qualche piccolo ritocco...
Questo lo avevo modificato già mesi fa…nel fondo marino c’era
una donna sommersa le cui braccia erano un corallo che sorreggeva l’altra donna emersa ….e mi è dispiaciuto molto eliminarla...
Al titolo non ci ho molto pensato…ma guardandolo mi è venuto
in mente “Vita”…
When I paint inside me moves a world that would otherwise remain submerged ...
I do not know I had inside me so many colors ... and this creates in my deep a swirl ... a sweet storm and a pleasant shimmer ...
This is painting I had already set several months ago ... and I stopped ... I do it often ... because painting brings out of me the emotions and I have to leave the framework to try to look with detachment ... and it's a little as if I should to mature something before to be able to finish, otherwise not be well enough ... and the very large canvases, which I like very much ... for a novice like me are tiring to make ...
Sometimes when I am focused on a different picture ... I make small changes to another left... or for not waste the colors I bring it a little on .... (and with acrylics need to run because they dry in the blink of an eye) the same thing I do with the paintings finished, watching it I realize that often they need some small tweaks ...
This I had already changed months ago ...in the seafloor there was a woman whose arms were a coral that held the other woman emerged .... and I was very sorry to delete her ...
To the title I don't think a lot ... but watching it occurred to me"Life" ...
I do not know I had inside me so many colors ... and this creates in my deep a swirl ... a sweet storm and a pleasant shimmer ...
This is painting I had already set several months ago ... and I stopped ... I do it often ... because painting brings out of me the emotions and I have to leave the framework to try to look with detachment ... and it's a little as if I should to mature something before to be able to finish, otherwise not be well enough ... and the very large canvases, which I like very much ... for a novice like me are tiring to make ...
Sometimes when I am focused on a different picture ... I make small changes to another left... or for not waste the colors I bring it a little on .... (and with acrylics need to run because they dry in the blink of an eye) the same thing I do with the paintings finished, watching it I realize that often they need some small tweaks ...
This I had already changed months ago ...in the seafloor there was a woman whose arms were a coral that held the other woman emerged .... and I was very sorry to delete her ...
To the title I don't think a lot ... but watching it occurred to me"Life" ...
Acrilico e foglia d’oro su tela
mt. 1,10 x mt. 1,20
di virginia
perdendomi dietro
a passi,
fruscii di foglie,
al mio respiro,
mentre avanzo tra gli alberi.
e avanzo,
così mi perdo
e mi svelo.
virginia 24.06.2012
virginia 24.06.2012
Buona domenica pomeriggio!
Indeed, I see so much emotion in your work, sweet friend. This is a GORGEOUS, emotional work!
RispondiEliminaIt is the same for me when I paint...sometimes you have to walk away for a while, si?
You inspire me to keep practicing my painting...you are SO talented...you really paint from the heart, and we feel and see that.
And what a blessing that you live near the sea...someday I hope to live near the sea again...meanwhile I dream...
Sending love,
- Irina
Colori bellissimi e vivi in questo dipinto originale dipinto con il cuore, interessante come si divide in tre 'racconti, lo trovo splendido !